Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Things that need doing.

A website of HOPE.  How to really live in this world, a list of solutions without cost. Health (the real diets that work, the exercises that work, listed and for free), Objectivity (looking at you fallacious arguments), People?, Economics (how to spend your time and money in a bigger, better way.  Put the fakes and charlatans out of business.

A website of transparency, show the money, all of it.  Government, from your school board to the treasury.  Show every dollar and show where it goes.  Expose corruption and every process to sunlight. Give names, ranks, affiliations, make the mob boss org chart of government and corruption, companies and scandal, public and easily accessible.  Share/scare the shit out of those in power.

The many other projects...

Chat Log Part 3: Why I Can See

This was sitting in drafts. Now it's not.  I haven't read what follows.

As far as issues regarding some kind of ephemeral argument of "equality" among races, there will always be old blackey and old whitey not getting along as long as people like you continue to argue the same tired rhetoric.

People of different social classes and different ethnic backgrounds will always look down upon eachother, regardless of skin colour.

If you knew the slightest bit of history, the sordid treatment of the Irish by the English is only one example, something which at its very base was the suppression of the lower class. If you want to argue about how it's just white people fighting amongst themselves, then you need look no further than the middle east, or parts of africa.

Iraq, Sudan, Congo, Somalia.

Call it race, call it religion, call it politics, but whatever you fucking want to name it doesn't change the reality that these issues are all based in class. Trying to suggest otherwise is disingenuous.

I'm a realist.

Without a living wage you will see excessive drug use, crime, deteriorating families and various other social ills which have a far larger monetary cost than simply paying people decently in the first place.

Humans need a goal to strive for, so a competitive or semi-competitive economy is necessary in order to stave off complacency, but without a minimum living wage, health care, and quality education, then it all deteriorates to the same level of a shitty society.

It's not a separate issue at all. Having differences in race, ethnicity or culture is an easy way for a group of people to "other" another group of people, which is the root issue of racism. however, the real issue at stake isn't the fact that they're black or white or hispanic or martian. The real issue with any racism is "DEY TOOK ER JERBS!"

Look at the founding of the KKK, neo nazism, any hatred based crimes, and you will see an economic undercurrent, usually the result of ethnic groups clashing over dwindling economic resources.

If you want a close to home example, in Boston and New York there were the traditional ethnic clashes between the Irish and the Italians. Both were considered ethnically inferior to the initial British colonists (because they were new immigrants and not landowners) and were relegated to lower wage, lower class jobs. However, during tense economic times, those ethnic groups would have violent confrontations as they both attempted to scrounge the crumbs at the bottom.

All of these things happened to white people, by white people. Racial prejudice is only an excuse for economic prejudice, which is a class issue. If you truly think that racism has any real basis then you need to seriously get out of the trailer park and educate yourself on the foundations of any real bigotry.



disturbing distasteful
disgusting disgraceful
everything about you
makes me sick

you're an ill bitch
you make me sick
into your slit
you make me trip
stay there till my mind rots
throw down roots while my body rocks


May the dance floor rise to meet you:
May the bass be always at your back,
The strobes shine warm upon your face,
The mists fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again
May the Rave hold you in the hollow of its hand.