The blithe crushing of a soul, a grotesquely luminescent heel pushing through the forehead of the thinker. How comfortably couched they are in their rhetoric, control, control, controlling every molecule of air around them, gleeful in the lack of control they reserve for themselves. Corrupt and lice-ridden, they revel in their own filth. They wear their crowns haughtily while they skull-fuck liberty. The laurels on their shoulders and the wreaths around their head hearken famine, pestilence, war and death. Their olive branch is tainted with corruption, only on loan and with compound interest. The virus merges with the cell, grabbing it like a lecher grabs a breast. Then penetrating, over and over again, not for effectiveness, but to ensure that the full realisation of loss and defilement can land with crushing weight. Finally, injecting, thrusting the seed of darkness far into the nucleus where it perverts the very function of the cell. Left with no alternative, the only true path for the cell is self-destruction, a functioning immune system would be a mercy. As the viruses lie dormant, so too do all prophets and leaders, who seek to rip and tear the orifices of every nubile sylph. They tear their leaf garments readily and leave them glassy eyed and bloody, a broken motorcycle accident of a shell.
TO BE BLUNT: The loss of free speech (or did it ever exist?), the pillaging of the world's population, the indoctrination of every schoolchild, the savage thrusts of free market capitalism cheapen 2 dollar whores. The bilge of the earth overgrows into a vast sewer. It is filled with the orphans you have created. Your economic machinations, your religious meddling and indoctrination, your societal rule-making and hypocrisy. The voice of one is lost in the chorus of ignorance, saddest still is that there is not one but many. Miring all together, the tarpit of humanity traps genius and dullard alike. There is a feeling of a suffocating enveloping fog, a smothering presence that leaps off the page and shines through the photos. Each sad shard of humanity shown to be just as worthless and decrepit as the next, the mindless system run by mindless peons. The peons controlled by the largest sociopath in the land. The system of government that works but does not help, it works only to control, lead and torture.
The disgust of the Boring Writer should not make the skin crawl, your skin should crawl of its own accord, in response to the people we share this planet with, it should crawl in response to yourself. Dissent is not just allowed, it is provoked. Your dissent feeds the world, it is the past dissent of scientists, adventurers, soldiers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and grocers that has given any hope to this world at all. The foundations of true being are based on true dissent and the freedom to dissent in opinion. Otherwise, the groupthink overtakes the asylum and the staff become as the inmates. Yet dissent is stopped, like a stuck u-bend, and the sewage of humanity spills into the living quarters, upsetting the guests. The very foundation of human interaction is the allowance for individuality. If that is lost than so too is our worth.
Days of interconnectedness bring all troubles closer to the eye, but even a small trouble has a big effect in our instantly changing technosphere. There is no loss of meaning in each tragedy, they are simply unaddressed. Fuck you I will make that a word, if a bastardisation such as blog is official so too will there be a more sensible word. The days of american imperialism over an entire language will be taken back by those who truly understand it. The lyricism is lost upon antagonistic analysts.
The new feudalism is an empty bottle, a dry vessel that is radioactive and lingers in its deadly effects. It is filled with piss and given to the struggling nations. They drink deeply. The struggle to be free will occur when the sliding scale tips. The costs outweigh the benefits and the internal mathematicians of the populace fully comprehend the raw deal. Then, it will be much, much too late and the raw deal came and went without a condom, leaving nothing but a teen pregnancy and AIDS in its wake.
There are times when it is nothing to be a beneficiary of the ruling class, a well-adjusted servant who has been richly rewarded. Asking oneself, why would the cares of the world rest upon one so privileged? A single caustic reply: The tables turn more abruptly and quickly than you may realise, and only a fool would dig their own grave even a single inch deeper.